I arrived at the resort. Asked about internet access. $12.50 a day. Not good because I'm tight and that is outrageous. Bellman took me to my room. A Ms Rachel George was in the room, no relation and not bad looking either. However, she wasn't too excited to see me. So back to the front desk. I said if they would give me free internet for the week I would forget their little faux pas. And thus the first of three
IFs were overcome.
A few days ago, at the request of some friends that wanted to see some of the images that I was creating but not posting with the story, I created
Trebuchet as a place to post those images. No titles, no prose, just misc images. Many of the images are alt versions of ones from the story and a few may still appear in the story. A few of them hint at possible things to come.
Since I'm only posting images to that site, I should be able to update it each day for those that need a fractal fix. Time and energy permitting, this site might see an update, but these meetings tend to be all consuming so no promises.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to wish me well. Your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated.