Friday, December 31, 2010

Closing the Year

What is this speck of consciousness that floats on the day? I’ve been asking myself this question since the age of five. I remember clearly riding in the back of my mother’s green station wagon. We were on Monterrey Blvd heading home. My hair was short and I had bangs. Why am I me and not someone else? Why do I live now and not some time other, either past or future? And why now, this memory so clear, clearly true and not true? I remember the question, of asking it. I remember the memory of remembering myself in the back of the station wagon at the time of asking. Yet, we didn’t move to that part of town until I was ten. So age, location and memory don’t match. But as I look out my westward window now, into a sea of trees and a setting sun, I can only think of the smallness of my existence and the magnitude of (everything else.)

Happy New Year. May you hold and be held. May your dreams come true.


Woman in a Window said...

yes, happy new year.


Trée said...

Erin, so nice to see you stopping by. Happy New Year my friend. Hope and trust all is well in your world. I've missed you greatly.