Monday, October 08, 2007

357. Fire Burning Cold

“Dad, are you going to see Ariel?” asked Tom Jr.

Tom bent down and brushed the hair from his son’s forehead with his thumb. As his large hand cradled his son’s head the image of Ariel, laughing and smiling and skipping through the house flashed before his mind. Ariel and Tom Jr were the same age and because of Tom’s relationship with John, the two children had practically grown up together.


Four hours prior:

“Tom, the Tranquility has changed course. For reasons unknown, they are on a heading back to Kulmyk. This will not happen. Do you comprehend?”

“Yes sir.”

“Gather whatever resources you need. Report back that what once was, is no more.”


“That will be all Tom.”


“Dad, you’re hurting me.”

“I’m sorry son,” said Tom, releasing his grip. Before Tom could respond, his six-year-old likeness ran screaming into the next room, “Mom? Mom?”

Tom stood, straightened his jacket and walked out the door.


Mona said...

nice fractal!
& love the title!

Six year old likeness...likeness only in form I guess...otherwise they are individuals.

Trée said...

Tom Jr has his father's looks, but apparently a slightly different sensitivity. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Fresh and exciting as always.
New characters, one off stage though she may be, hoping to hear a little more of them in the future, already interest has been piqued. Impression given is that John and Tom are more than close and so the big question is what will Tom do now, not least knowing Ariel and Cait are on board too. Nice parallel once again. Very nicely done all round. :-)

Trée said...

Thank you Sweetest. Tom is a "hard man" as they would say in the SAS. He and John were each other's "best man" and Cait and Tom's wife spent a lot of time together when the two were on missions together. John and Tom are the same age and went through the academy together, and, except for a short period of time, served together. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Hard times ahead for the hard man in other words. Very excited to see where you lead with this chapter. :-)

Trée said...

This chapter is what I call a "backlit" piece, which is to say, although it is a legitimate chapter in its own right, this chapter really does two things: (1) it offers a back light to the Von/Ceru relationship; (2) it gives us entry into a deeper understanding of John from the point of view of Tom (in a future chapter). Now, this is not to say that this chapter does not stand on its own. ;-)

Lindsey said...

I was eating ice cream last night and guess who came to mind.... :o)

Serena said...

Love this! Love that fractal, too.:)

Trée said...

Thank you SJ. Love is good. :-)

Trée said...

Linny, bluebell all the way. :-)

~d said...

I snooze I lose...(well. I snooze and I come crawling back and ask you to please direct me to (posts) that explain Tom and his (dad).

Trée said...

~d, Tom is a contemporary of John. They served in the military together for many years. Tom Jr is his six year old son, and good friend of Ariel. Although Tom has had a cameo role in a handful of chapters, this is the first time he plays a significant part. Nice to see you about the place. :-)

~d said...

(thank you. I forget my priorities and then come to my senses.)

Trée said...

~d, you are forgiven. Don't let it happen again. ;-)