Friday, September 07, 2007

332. Believe Me

“Mairi, grab a seat,” said Kyra.

“Want to tell me what gives you the right to violate my quarters?” asked Mairi, her face flush with the surprise, her mind racing through her options, of what they knew and what they didn’t know, of how she should play the deal.

John wasted no time in responding, much to Kyra’s chagrin. This was her ship and Mairi was her crew and she was conducting the questioning, not him. “John,” snapped Kyra, “back off.”

Rog smiled. For once it was not him overstepping his authority.

“Look Mairi, I don’t have time to dance around this issue. Kulmyk hounds are tracking us, which means two things. One, they’ve picked up our signal; and two, a Kulmyk command ship cannot be far behind. I need to know, right now, who you have been communicating with and why.”

“You want the truth?”

“No,” jumped in Rog, unable to contain himself, “we want you to lie like the—“

“Rog, that’s enough,” said Kyra, cutting him off before he did more harm than good. “Mairi, we are in danger. Not in an hour, or a day, but right now. We can’t afford to question and interrogate. I need to know what you know and, quite frankly, I need to know it right now and I need to know everything.”

Mairi locked eyes with Kyra as if John and Rog were not in the room. “I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

Rog sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Frail you farm boy.”

“Rog,” snapped Kyra, “that’s enough.”


“I said enough! One more word, one more look and you’re out of here. Now Mairi, please continue.”

John smiled at Rog and winked. Rog mouthed a few words his mother would not have approved of.

“Mairi, excuse me for a minute,” said Kyra, clearly irritated. “John, Rog, over here. “What the frail do the two of you think you’re doing?”

“The little whore is gonna lie her arse off,” said Rog.

“You don’t know that.”

“She’s a whore.”

“Rog,” said Kyra, her voice rising. “For the record, she’s a Chatelaine.”

“Chatelaine my arse, she’s a whore. Ask Trev, he’ll tell you.”

“So Trev’s been talking to you. We’ll discuss that later. Right now I want the two of you back on the bridge. Neither of you are doing me any good here.”

“What did I do?” asked John.

“Now. Go.” They hesitated. “Both of you.” She pointed toward the door.

“She’s gonna lie,” quipped Rog.

“Good, great,” responded Kyra shaking her head. “You’ve got the last word. Now get the frail out of here.”

“Sorry about that Mairi. Now tell me what is going on?”

“Promise me you will believe everything I tell you?”

Kyra searched her face for disingenuousness and finding none said, “Okay Mairi.”

“John,” asked Rog as they entered the bridge, “what is that?”

“What is what?”

“Behind that last red star. See it?”

John froze.

“What? What is it?” queried Rog.

“A Kulmyk Command Carrier,” said John without looking at Rog, exhaling worry as much as words.

“Is that bad?”

John smiled. “Yeah, I would say that is bad.”


Autumn Storm said...

From the night of the karaoke until this day, what a difference there is, where then they seemed as though they couldn't be closer, strangers turned to family at best, friends (not all as close) at worst, now there seems to be so much separation between them. That is what comes across here more than anything, trying back also to the chapter where Kyra approached Trev and there was mention of talk going on in corners. Secrets have come out, events have transpired, all of which for most of them has torn them apart from one another somewhat. Evident here in what Rog says about Mairi and knowing the source from which he heard it.

Have great faith that they will find their way back to that night again.

It's rather strange to experience John in this position, albeit again, of taking a backseat to Kyra. But what it does show she is worthy of her position, that they respect that she is is charge and retreat albeit not quietly, :-D, when asked to do so.

Another indication is Kyra's handling of the situation, straight-talking, cutting straight to what matters, no blame, no accusations, no anger, now is what matters, they need to deal in facts and even if Mairi had done wrong there is a definite sense that Kyra believes without doubt any mistake, any danger that Mairi has put them in was involuntary.

Great description of Mairi's thoughts and actions in that opening paragraph, simple and direct.

Favourite line: 'Frail you farm boy'.

Never, ever a dull moment in this here story, it's living on the edge of the world of blogs so to speak, :-), what else is there to say but 'oh, shiott!'. Eagerly anticipating the next, meanwhile thoroughly enjoying mulling this one over.

Happy Friday, sweet Poppet, x

Trée said...

Sunshine, what we have seen since that Karaoke night is each member of the crew put under extreme stress. Yul thought she was going to die under alien hands on the operating table and do so alone; Kyra, Von and Em almost died on Bravo, then were captured and Em lost her sight; Trev was abused in every way, shape and form at the hands of Sal, and in his mind, Mairi too; Mairi has the guilt of Trev and the lost of Dr X; John and Cait, well, suffice it to say, they are living in exile, their world turned inside out. On top of all that, the entire crew is now hunted. Oh, and Rog was almost executed (along with John) and is estranged, wrongfully in his mind, from and by Yul. In short, they are all in need of a long vacation. :-D

As for Kyra, I think she is coming into her own as leader of Tranquility. Keep in mind, John has seen her, twice now, do things of the most extraordinary nature. Will be interesting to see how their working relationship develops. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

I heard that in the voice of Rod Roddy. (narrator on 'Soap') :-D

Quite a list when they are all lined up like that side by side. The law of chaos, takes so little time to create/occur but it will take much longer to restore order, in all likelihood. Lots to watch, John and Kyra most definitely. So exciting! (almost like standing at the foot of a stage when one knows there is a great treat in store very soon.) :-)

Must just tell you once again, :-D, I H DT.

Annie Wicking said...

Hi Tree,
The story goes on, you write so well, I do so enjoy your writing.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Best wishes

Trée said...

Annie, thank you very much for your kind words. Always nice to hear that someone has found some measure of value in a chapter posted. Have a wonderful weekend. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, been a long time since I've heard that voice. What would the story be without a little conflict? Just imagine how all these issues will make the next karaoke night all that much better. :-D

Anonymous said...

Great Image.
Take care.


Love folding an Octahendron [the Origami way]:)

Trée said...

Thanks Uma. Take care of you too. :-)

Mona said...

Hugs George! So many posts to read!

I have been away for a while & you have so may posts up. will read them all soon & comment :)

Trée said...

Mona, bring it on. :-D