He checked his list and checked it again. There really were two lists. One of material, one not. Of the first he was sure. Of the second, less so. His father would be waiting, alone, packed and trimmed and looking as dignified as ever, his face as stoic as stone and he wondered what his father was thinking.
Ceru, as his friends called him but not his father, looked again at the time, then he looked at the table. He felt as if he were going to a double funeral. His father was leaving. He was not. Fate of either not to be known by the other. He tried to put a positive spin on the matter as he was wont to do, but this was not as it had been before when meditative prayer, scribed in letters, could deliver harm to harbor.
He took a breath as he pulled a chair from the table and sat. Upon the table, resting quietly on wood if not quietly in heart, a rather massive tone, a collection one could say, of letters. More than a thousand, although number mattered not, for any fool can shovel dirt. He thumbed through the pages as one drives through an old neighborhood. The houses are the same but the feeling is not. The missives had worked, or so he liked to believe. They were past, done, retired. Yet, they had not magically appeared on the table. The night before, they moved from chest to list to table. And then, this morning, they moved off the list but not off of table or into chest or, painfully, out of mind.
His chron beeped and he startled as if awakened from sleep. Time was flowing. He had to go. He had to choose. Pulling pen and paper from dark to light, a note was scribed and tucked and folio decided.
Father stood, as he always did, ready. Ceru opened the door of his transport, lifted by a sound he knew would, in a short time, live only in the halls of his memory, and for just a moment, allowed himself the luxury of floating. “Cerulean, my son, you make a father proud.” Von meant what he said as his arms opened as wide as his smile. “Now help an old Hynerian secure his kit. There is much to say and so very little time to say it.”
One of the Brightest Stars from James Blunt's new album All the Lost Souls.
For better audio (and video) of the song-->>One of the Brightest Stars