Tuesday, August 14, 2007

322. Gone

The rain came. It would not stop.

Trev pointed the pistol at Sal's head. She didn't move.

Without blinking, he pointed the pistol at his head. He pulled the trigger.

Voices rang. Boots chattered.

Sal stared. Trev was gone.


Karen said...

OMG. I did not see that coming! But then again, when I think about it, he felt such dishonor and guilt for what he did there was no other choice. He could not live with what he did.


HUGS & KISSES to you and Jack.

Trée said...

Sometimes the pain is too great.

Mona said...

I cannot believe that THAT pistol was loaded.

Karen> Can you tell me who is jack? I am sure tree is not telling me the truth!!!

Trée said...

Mona, it was a las pistol, which is to say you don't load them, you charge them. ;-)

Dzeni said...

Was it charged?? This was certainly not expected. Gripping stuff.

Autumn Storm said...

Voices rang. Boots chattered.

I'm going to hang onto the theory that lighting doesn't strike twice and that we will not lose another member of the crew again so soon.
(which would work just fine if it wasn't for the fact that lighting can strike nearby)

Full of nervous anticipation, but what a wonderful little chapter. Less once again more, slow and pointed, each period mark an invitation to consider the few words that went before. Seemingly the shorter the sentence, 4x2 words, 3x3 words.., the greater the impact of the meaning within them. Amazing how you did that. :-)

Trée said...

Jenni, I could have swore I heard the las hum to life. Then again, I've been wrong many times before. Not like I'm an expert on Hynerian las pistols (and neither is Trev) so I could have gotten it wrong. I can say this, Sal will never ever forget the moment she opened the door and there was Trev. The look on his face is branded in her mind. She may never see a look like that again.

Trée said...

He pulled the trigger and then voices rang. That might be my favorite two lines in this snippet. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh! How sad.