Monday, January 24, 2011

benthic stone

I dreamt he was a dolphin and she the sea. Again and again he dove, shimmering and arched. Again and again she sighed, glistening and parted. And where he leaped, I drowned. Slapped by her spume. Stung with her salt. Leap and dive, leap and dive. Sigh moaning upon sigh. The sky bright, burning bright. And still her waters heal him. Releasing and healing, releasing and healing. I saw this from the murky depths. This weaving of two lives. And then bubbles. My life rising into their wake. All is quiet now. I see them dimming, from a cage of benthic stone.


SarahA said...

I read you in 'Google reader'(quietly), yet there are moments (like so,) I have to shout out ................................ 'I AM LIKING SUCH; MUCHLY!'

Trée said...

SarahA, thank you for that wonderfully warm comment. You've made my day. :-)