Lil' Twilight administered the Waters of Divine Decadence herself. Trev was never the same.
Backstory: (as far as we know)
Ancient landing pads on a distant and remote moon servicing the local shipping population, quite an unruly clientele, especially with Big Cephelus lording over the local whoring trade and none the too happy with business of late.
Lil' Twilight, his main ho, and, to be fair, a technician turned artisan in the trade of warm commerce, charged twice the going rate and still made more money in tips than BC was earning off her keep. And there was the rub.
So one day, BC called Lil' into his office, the one overlooking the main pad, so he could keep an eye on local traffic. His desk faced the main window and he had Lil' sit on the sofa before him. She, for the occasion no less, wore illuminated destearian glass garments, which left nothing and everything to the imagination.
Well, Lil' jingled over to BC's desk, reached into her incandescent pocket and tossed a credit chip onto his desk.
"What's this," he frowned.
"Pick it up." Lil' leaned over, her ample amplitude of creamy delectation pointing the way.
"Where did you get this?"
"A poor innocent little soul. Name is Trevor--an off worlder. Seems he was so discombobulated, he left it behind."
BC worked the chip between his fingers back and forth and forth and back, his eyes ablaze with a dull gleam just short of malicious, more akin to lust than greed; yet, with BC, where one began and the other ended no one could say, or perhaps no one had the gonads to say. Either way, to say he was a biomorph of lustful greed or greedful lust would be to state a fact known to all and to all agreed.
"Come round the desk Lil'. I think you need to show me the proper appreciation for taking such an instrument of unrighteous seduction from your weak and feckless hands. Do you have any idea how much trouble I'm about to save you?"
Lil' moved around the desk, her eyes dropping in sync with her knees. "BC, darlin', I'm gonna show you how much I appreciate your burdensome and ever faithful endeavors to always look out for my best interest."
BC let out an audible sigh as Lil' traced her perfectly manicured nails along the top of his thighs.
With a blink of his eyes, he closed the blinds and turned on his digicorder. Lil was worth more than the occasion.
Lil's fingers danced in unison and BC's knees parted. She smiled and rolled her eyes to half moons, just a glint of light catching the corners like the diamonds on BC's thick finger.
Lil' was a master of playful anticipation, of allowing the client's imagination to do what she never could, never would. Her magic worked in the spaces between the notes, as she like to say, and this, in her mind, is what separated her from all the rest.
"Feeling tumid I see," she purred with a voice smooth as her honeyed scarlet lips. "Or is that turgid and tumid?"
BC sighed with heavy lids, his eyes just slits.
Lil's nail converged, lightly upon bulging custom silk, a velvet hammer of female delight, or so she would argue.
Categories: Story, Trev, Lil' Twilight, BC, Sketches
Love the illustration!
And the story of Lil' and BC (at least thus far) just gets better and better with every read. Just like so many of your other characters, fascinating and provocative from the get-go prompting great curiosity. Sure hope we get to hear a whole lot more of the two of them, Lil' in particular. Not least what happened when Trevor came under her powers. :-) Wonderful writing!!
Thank you Sweetest. I see you have made the journey home without incident. :-)
Not sure how clear the sketch is, but Trev is standing, half his body in the vertical "waters". Now, I'd like to know more about that! :-D
As for Lil', well, I think I like her enough that we might see her again. ;-)
Standing conjures greater intrigue. Realized it was water through the title and first lines, just not that the sketch was as should be, ie vertical.
Now, I'd like to know more about that! :-D
Me too!
Wow... you've made him perve-worthy!
Chicky, those are mighty fine words coming from you. :-D
yes yes love the picture :)
one thing i like about your writing is that you have dialogues. it makes it believable, and real. :)
What did you use to draw the picture? It looks like it could go on a wall.
Story is interesting and if you are going to be a ho - I suppose one can't get a better name than Lil' Twilight.
Jack, I used Corel's Painter 9.5 to sketch this image. Good to see you about. :-)
Meg, thanks for those kind words. Feedback is so much appreciated because one can never see one's own work with any sort of objectivity. As for dialogue, well, it's just fun to write, and as you said, fun to read. Hope and trust you are well. Take care.
Great image, am very curious about these vertical waters...and as autumn said, "Not least what happened when Trevor came under her powers."
My dear Beautiful Soul, I too am curious about those vertical waters and as soon as I can learn more, you'll be the first to know. :-D
As for Trevor, well, let's just say Lil' was able to demolish some of the facades Trev had been holding in place in such a way that what he saw of himself before and after were two different things. Trev was "taken" in every physical, emotional and psychological way. Sometimes, I suppose, it takes an alien approach to get us to see differently, to see more clearly. :-)
Thanks for the kind words on the image. Hugs and kisses my dear. :-)
Very cool image :)
Thanks Deb. :-)
There is something vulnerable in Trev's eyes, yet he still has strength (if that makes sense). I enjoyed the back story too about Lil' and BC. Well done :-)
Trev is one I need to spend more time developing. He is much more complex than the story has shown so far, and I think, much more likable too. Perhaps soon we will learn more. Lil' seemed to like him. :-D
As always Karen, so good to see you visit and your kind words are always appreciated. :-)
Thank you - I really hate not visiting on a regular basis; life seems to get in the way. I love your writing and your artistic side. Your Fracs are always stunning and draw me in as much as the story does. I've missed you, Jack, and the story.
Lots of hugs for you and Jack!
Karen, I totally understand. You may have noticed the story has slowed down--main reason is work obligations. Your comments do warm my heart and Jack's too. :-)
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