Thursday, April 19, 2007

265. Kyra in Red

Kyra in Red

Categories: Story, Kyra, Sketches


Trée said...

This is Kyra as John would have seen her on the night in question. Or maybe, this is how I see her most all the time. :-D

Dzeni said...

Great sketch! Where's the red though?

Trée said...

Thanks Jenni. In the story, she was wearing a red dress in the night in question. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Such a wonderful, wonderful sketch! If I hadn't fallen for Kyra a long time ago, I would have done so now, in any case, she has reaffirmed her appeal. Love the eyes and all that they reveal and all that they hide, and that slight play of a smile about her lips. There's magic in that face. And how much of that impression is influenced by the events of the night in question, I do not know, neither does it matter in the scheme of things, since both are interjoined now with the revelation in that title (and comment) that this is from that particular evening. I don't really care how silly I sound, I feel like I'm about to burst with the joy and love, I feel towards the characters of this story and the story in general, happens that way after a great chapter and always when we get to see a face for the first time, papa did that especially, and now Kyra in this sketch of her particularly much more so than any that went before. Again, it could be the combination, the events of that night, the emotions that surrounded it - which I was pretty caught up in, still am - but I feel confident saying, it's the eyes here that are so very evocative - she looks so alive, a million thoughts and experiences and a lifetime within, in other words, she looks complete.
More later when I'm not riding so high on emotion - today's post at Trebuchet a great part of that.

Bless you, sweetie, for the touch of these two posts today, special in completely unique ways.

Sweet dreams and a happy day ahead when you get that far. Love and hugs, x

Lindsey said...

That's a beautiful picture Trée!!!

Trée said...

Thanks Linny. I was inspired! :-D

ChickyBabe said...

I like her expressive eyes.

Trée said...

Thanks Chicky. I do like doing the eyes most of all. :-)