Rog: What the frail was that all about?
Von: No effing idea. Want a snoot?
Rog: Yeah. Think I do.
Von: (pours two glasses) Talk to Yul?
Rog: (slams his back and hold out glass for another) Are you frailing kidding me? Only thing tighter than her cooter right now is her mouth.
Von: (laughs) Are you saying—
Rog: I be saying I could jackhammer the former but the latter ain’t no Hynerian gonna pry open. (Rog slams back the second) Pour me another. But, I gotta tell you this Von, when the beotch is in heat, there ain’t nothing finer. The girl got skills. You frailing know what I’m saying.
Von: (smiling) Yeah, Think I do.
Rog: (too buzzed to know whether Von was mocking him) Did I ever tell you about that gift I got her on Neraj?
Von: Don’t think so.
Rog: She calls it the tool. (Rog laughs) A little somtin somtin for when I’m not around. Ten to one she’s workin’ it right now. Yeah baby, work it darlin'.
Von: Not bitter I see.
Rog: Cold hearted beotch. Frail no, I'm not bitter.
Von: (nods head)
Rog: Do you think we drink too much? I mean, seems every time we get together that’s all we do.
Von: Nope.
Rog: Me neither. (Rog holds out glass and Von pours)
Categories: Story, Rog, Von
Amazing graphic! I love the golden squares against the darker background. Really well done.
That goes for me too, what Jenni said.
With regards to Von and Rog, I couldn't help smiling. Lots of reasons why, Rog sounding a little like a petulant child, who was passed over for another, or rather a toy, but it's the underlying storyline, the thoughts on his mind, that just made me want to pat his head and smile knowingly. (not awake yet:-D)
But most of all, and I said this to you before how it comes across so wonderfully in the chapters in Von's quarters, over snoot, between these two fine men, there's just such a wonderful sense of camaraderie, one where it exists on every level and each one is as clear, honest and open as day. There's not a thing, Rog could not say to Von that would not be taken for what it is, even if the words, heard by another, made sounds opposite to their meaning.
What I really admire about this story is the characters, over and above the action that occurs, though irrefutably the two are most often linked, one demonstrating the other, you know your characters so very well. Even when we do not touch one for a while, even when there is chapter after chapter, they are complete, and faithful to the essense that you shared with us upon introduction. You make us feel like we know them well, (speaking for everyone again, me anyway), that their actions and words are within the confines of all that they are, and thus, it is this that I mean, when I say, that once again, every word makes perfect sense.
Very nicely done, for that you deserve to relax on a grassy embankment by a lovely little lake as the sun shines upon you and the world hums a sweet song. I'll come for company though, if you like. :-)
Sweet dreams, poppet, and again, Merry Christmas to you and all at home, much love, x
merry Christmas
oh wildman of
may your days be
merry and bright.
and wild.
xo lisa
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too my dear music woman. I have a confession to make. I've been listening to your music, on the sly, and I like it. In fact, I was just telling Sunshine I see ... well, better not go there until I have a little more coffee. :-D
Jenni, I'm laughing because I almost posted this chapter without an image. I had originally rendered this one in a greenish color, which just didn't fit. After much postprocessing wrestling, I finally slammed down a golden yellow, which is what a chapter on snoot requires.
Thanks for the kind words. Happy Holidays. :-)
Morning, happy day, x
Afternoon Sunshine. As always, your comments are much appreciated and lead me down the path the wonder how I might ever thank you, properly, for all that you have given me. And then, as these things tend to work, I discovered the perfect way, under the mistletoe; and I ain't talkin the kind that hangs from above. :-D
As for this chapter and the characters, I think like we see Em so much from her letters, or maybe Yul with her vial and tool, and Kyra from her interviews and journal, I think we see Rog and perhaps Von in the warm glow of snoot talkin smack. And I'm right there with them, snoot in hand, recording the smack I hear. :-D
Now, I'm more interested in that grassy embankment. Hope you left M with a sitter.
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Men and their way of communicating always makes me smile. It's amazing how different men are than women. I'm not saying it's bad, just different.
Rog wants her, no doubt about it.
P.S. I love your new banner, it's awesome! All of your fracs speak to me and they really do enhance the story.
Yep, Rog does want her. He wants in the worse way to throw her on the bed, hands on headboard, arse in the air and his hands holding her long greenish purplish goldenrod hair in his hands like the reins of a submissive filly. Yep, I think he wants to mount her like the soldiers of an invading army taking their liberties with the local woman folk.
Not sure what you mean about the way men speak. Don't woman talk this way too? :-D
I think there is more to Rog just wanting to mount her, he wants all of her but isn't willing to admit it is more to physical - right?
Women can express their feelings more verbally; men speak in code and actions.
Rog does want all of her. As for code, you've completely lost me here. What code? :-D
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Eastcoastlife, Merry Christmas to you too. :-)
It's Christmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!
Sweet dreams, poppet, and I hope there's a bulge when you wake, in your stocking of course. Silly mood, blame Santa and his ho ho ho.
Merry, merry, x
I'm looking at my stocking right now and you know what? There is a bulge! Hope you are full of smiles and joy and memories of Christmas delight. As you might imagine, the monkeys are going crazy this morning, like a jail break down an ice covered street with a box of bananas at the end of the road.
Merry Christmas my dear Y. Stay warm, stay safe and frail like rabbits if you get the chance. :-D
Happy Boxing Day, x
I'm a lover not a fighter. Strange holiday. :-D
Dream sweet, x
Afternoon my dear silent surprise. :-)
Morning Meg! How was your xmas? So good to see you online again. My xmas was very good, too short, but very good and I got lots of delightful and naughty gifts. :-D
Rog and Von always seem to have interesting conversations. So glad they allow me to sit in. :-)
I'm glad the "busyness" of xmas is over. I've never understood why people allow themselves to be pulled like puppets on strings to the expectations of what they think they should do or be doing. Sometimes I think if we do "too much" we forget to "be," just be; and, I believe, at the end of the day, what we do pales in comparison to what we "are."
Would you rather have your lover buy you the most impressive gift in the world and surprise you with it in the most delightful way or would you rather simply be held, silently and lovingly, in his arms with sincere and loving intent, whispers passed like so many notes between children in the classroom?
If you had to chose between those two positives, which would you rather?
Oh the things we imagine. :-D
I've been there many times, watching another couple and wondering just how wonderful that relationship seemed to be. As to your answer, I couldn't agree more and I try to remind myself often, the greatest gift we can give another is time. There is a wonderful little book with the title "Love to a child is spelled T-I-M-E."
Sweet dreams, poppy boy. :-)
Okay, sleepy head, that's enough sweet slumber for you. Coffee on the counter to fortify you for the busy day ahead, off-white, slight lip, naturally. Good morning, x When you get that far. :-)
Thanks for the coffee. For whatever reason, I need it this morning. So thoughtful you are. :-)
Meg, yes and yes. :-D
Meg, I'm trying. All I'm saying, it's a good thing I do my work on the phone. :-D
Oh, you are most kind. I've had lots of practice so I hope I've improved my phone skills over the years. :-D
Meg, I believe you play as you practice and the more you practice, the better you play. And I don't mind practicing. :-)
Shouldn't you be on your knees if you're gonna throw an amen around? I'm just asking what a good catholic girl would do. :-D
See - not even all the men know the code. ;-)
Snoot can do that to ya. :-D
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