Monday, September 25, 2006

Notbean Joins Andrax as Mate #142!

Please help me give a very warm welcome to Bean, or is it Notbean, I'm never quite sure. She hails from Australia with her two dogs Whacky Tail and Wiggle Bottom and her special little boy, Rotnik the cat. If you haven't visited her blog, you are in for a treat. Bean's talent with the pen must be experienced to be understood.

When asked if she had done anything fun, she responds with this dreamy answer: Fed stray cats in the ruins of Delphi, Greece. Camped out in the Western desert, Egypt. Swam with sting-rays and turtles in Peurto Angel, Mexico. Sipped mai tais on the Chao Praya, Bangkok, Thailand. Relaxed naked in a hot spring overlooking the forest in Central Japan. Watched deer drinking from a stream in the Rockies, BC Canada. Fished off basalt cliffs in Taranaki, New Zealand. Slept on the beach in San Diego, US. And so much more in my home country, the wide-brown land.

Bean, welcome to the team. You will find this group one of the more caring and compassion collection of individuals in the entire frailing universe. I can't tell you how excited I am to have you onboard this fantabulous international team of cancer fighting comrades.


Autumn Storm said...

If you haven't visited her blog, you are in for a treat.
I can certainly second that statement!

WELCOME to the team, Bean, so very nice to have you with us. :-)

tsduff said...

Bean - add this to your list of adventures...

Autumn Storm said...

& what an amazing list that was! Dreamy was the right word. :-)

Keshi said...

She sounds smokin! WOW she's done so much in her young life. Gotta visit her blog for sure, tnxxx Tre.


TotalChaos said...

Welcome to the team, Bean. Great listing, of things you have done.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. It's impossible not to notice how much friendship and compassion and good stuff in general is making the rounds in these parts. I would have to be nutty not to want to be a part of it.

My little laptop will be working 24/7 for the team and as soon as I get my second machine running again, it will be too.

*big hugs* for all the team, and *kisses* for Trée for such a sweet welcome post.

Trée said...

Bean, least I could do. I've always felt this team served two purposes. First, crunch molecules and help the researchers at Oxford find potential cures and drugs. Second, and I believe just as important, is to provide hope, love, compassion and support to those suffering from this terrible monster of a disease. I've seen this team come together time and time again to offer thoughts and prayers and emails to those in need and I could not be more proud to say I crunch with so many outstanding and loving and caring mates from around the globe. I've lost count now, but last time I checked our team had members from more than 25 different countries.

Once again, Bean, welcome to the team!

Anonymous said...

i should say something like I've Bean Here

Really applaud your heartfelt concern for the victims...and that's a warm welcome to Bean :)

a regular anon

Anonymous said...

well Bean's been watching me now...cause just now i've Bean to Not Bean...

may be i should say i 've Not Bean here?!!
a regular anon

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Team, Notbean!

You do have a great blog site! ;)