138. Seven
Seven crew members, each living in their own universe; each viewing the world as if they stood dead center and all else revolved around them. It was enough to make Kyra ill, not in judgment but in reflection. She knew what she saw. She knew it was true. You see the world not as it is, Papa repeated often, but as you are. Categories:
Woah!! Truly brilliant. I love both the graphic and the entry. Very well done.
Thanks Jenni. This image is a little more than meets the eye. If you look closely in the reflections you will see that the seven are not alone.
If you want to cheat, drop by Trebuchet for a panned out version. :-)
Images and words meld beautifully, Trée! We are all individual worlds floating in a sea of probability. ;-)
Thank you Alex. I originally wrote a bit more for this image and upon further reflection decided it was a bit too preach-ie and a bit trying too hard to write more for the sake of writing more--so I cut it. Cut it all and stayed with the short piece you see here. Sometimes less is more. ;-)
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for those wonderfully sweet words. :-)
Sometimes after reading you, I have a hard time formulating a comment worthy of the post.... :)
As always, very nice - both the image and the writing. You always have a way of tying it all together. Hope things are well with you.
Hey Meg, I'm connecting from middle C's UT Chattanooga dorm room. We are moving her in right at this moment and I've been assigned as the IT setup guy. If you are reading this comment, then I have succeeded in hacking into the university network, well, not exactly hacking, perfectly legal here, but hacking sounds so much cooler. :-D
Meg, just a few sincere warm and sweet words is all I need, unless you really want to engage me on the story and the characters, then look out. I could comment all day long on what is happening behind the scenes. :-)
Hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed the Pamarita(s). I made your's a double cause you sound like the kind of woman who appreciates a good strong stiff drink. Oooh, that didn't sound just right. :-D I meant it as a compliment that you are all woman! How's that? :-)
I just love that, bbb. You're AMAZING!
Oooh BBB, thanks for the sugar. I need the energy going up and down the stairs since middle C is on the third floor. :-)
Throw it out there, always did love how you do that, even before the story - never leave your page empty :-) Your stuff sticks and roams around for any length of time.
Less is more in this case. Very, very nicely done, fractal and words in equal measures.
Happy Wednesday, sweet stuff, missing you like a crazy woman. As always :-)
Awesome! Papa is ever so wise...
I hope you're having a great day! Happy Hump Day to you and Jack! *HUGS*
Karen, we do like Papa. :-) And happy hump day to you too from Jack and I.
Sweetest, missing you too more than I know how to say. I was motivated to get this post up last night because I knew you were going to be back soon and I wanted you to have something to take your mind off of your present reality. So glad to hear the update. I really do appreciate you keeping us all in the loop and giving us the chance to offer our thoughts and prayers in this time of need.
Your kind comment warms my heart after a long day on the road getting middle C squared away. Take care and I'll see you at the bar. :-D
Beeeeautiful color - I love the see-through red... like a delicious salmon egg (sushi of course :-D) I saw the bigger, "other" one hanging beyound... very cool. (insert scary music here)
Terry, I love simple shapes used in a metaphorical context. The red orb is Kyra and the other six seem to be staring back at her for direction. The bigger one was meant to be Kieran, overlooking the them all.
Salmon egg. Mmm, see you still have food on the brain. :-D
I'm quite aware of your inferences - they are well-thought out and executed. My mind is always on food :-D - I like metaphores too. Are they related to s'mores?
S'mores, now there is something I haven't had in awhile. Did you guys partake of said S'mores on your recent trip or is this part of the plan for trip #2?
Did you know, S'mores, when consumed under the Milky Way on a camping trip and prepared over an open fire, contain no calories? Its true. :-D
Since there is only ONE way and place to prepare s'mores (and yes, you have outlined it correctly) I guess that means I can freely eat as many as I want. Of course we had them :-D- marshmallows roasted over the glowing coals to golden perfection under extraordinarily starry skies, placed upon a thin piece of special dark chocolate nestled between two graham crackers...
"Golden perfection." I love that description since I usually roast my mellows, not on purpose or by design mind you, to about two clicks past "golden perfection." Since I'm from Louisiana, I just called them "blacken." Crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside. :-D
*grins*... my grandson likes them that way. His caught on fire several times, creating that blackened patina :-D ... seared, crusted, charcoaled... what other ways can you say it? I don't do well myself.
Lovely choice of pic n colors!
Like Meg said I feel blonde after most of ur posts Tre..cos u r too damn smart!
Black or blond, I'll take you either way because your soul is pure diamond. In the mood for a little Pink Champagne? :-)
Terry, sounds like your grandson and I would get along very well, at least from a culinary point of view. :-)
Hmmm, very interesting to see you posting with a brand new name... guess Beta doesn't like your true name. heh heh... Trace will be intrigued :-D
Hey Terry, apparently beta doesn't do accents--yet. Mmm . . .
I've been playing with the template on C's blog and I think I'm really liking what I see such as "labels" and instant publishing and the ability to customize with just a drop and drag all the elements of the template. I just wish there was a way to change templates without losing all the custom changes. I may need to play some more. I'll keep you updated on my experiences. :-)
The new spell check is way cooler than the old one. :-)
Oh my, once they add the raw html to the layout I think DT is going to have to go under the knife. This upgrade is looking very sweet. The ability to add new elements and edit them on your template is just light years ahead of where blogger has been.
Nice 3D and words to go with the reflections. Large size, I was just able to get mine up to 800X600. Maybe I could do more if I went larger. I'll be gone for a little over a week, but I will be checking back in, when I get back.
BTW, My friend Hairyface recieved an invite to switch to beta, and then it wouldn't recognize him and now he can't even get back on his old blog.
DJB, so far so good with Beta. I've been experimenting with Trebuchet and I'm about to start here. I like that they save your old template so if the changes don't suit you, and and go back. Very important. :-)
Thanks as always for the kind words.
Well Trée, I have to say that I think this image is awesome! The seven spheres, with the red one in the center, really bring it home. And there's a whole landscape in each.
...each living in their own universe; each viewing the world as if they stood dead center and all else revolved around them.
The words and image can stand alone. Both describe how we all, to some degree, view ourselves in relation to everyone and everything around us.
Hmm, this is another one for your sidebar. Just an idea :)
Thanks Deb. If you go to Trebuchet you will find a couple different versions, one of which shows a zoomed out view with a clear sphere to represent Kieran and that he is still in a way a part of the crew. If you look closely at this image you will see his reflection in some of the orbs. :-)
I could talk for days about the worlds we construct for ourselves and how we live within the prisons of our own minds. I also often wonder if anyone can ever see what we see the way we see it or whether we are destined in this life to live those quiet lives of solitude.
Mmm, much food for thought. :-) Have a great weekend Deb.
Mini update on day two of beta.blogger:
Still so far so good. Two really cool features and one very nice one--among many--have caught my attention and I'm not even talking about the goodies for changing your template on the fly without knowing any code.
(1) say goodbye to publishing as you know it on blogger. No more waiting. It happens instantly, like in press the button and its done. Woohoo!!!
(2) email notification now tells you which post someone has replied to. So now, if someone pops in your archives and leaves you a message on a post from last year, you now know where, and the link to that post is in the email. Woohoo!!!
(3) Spell check has been vastly improved, like night and day improved. For posting that is, not for comments. :-D
I miss you, BBB! I have so much to tell you!
Ooooh, BBB. That has a very exciting sound to it. I might need to aim your way soon. :-)
Ooooooooh, whereas before, blogger only let you go back 300 posts or so for editing from the edit screen, now one can, from the edit screen, edit any and every post on one's blog!
You don't know how signigicant a feature that is until you try to edit old posts and realize that you have to hunt them down one by one and force them into submission. Bravo!
As you can see, it doesn't take much to get me excited. But you guys already knew that. :-D
Pearls and rubies!
More jewels coming up?
Amen to that. A truer statement was never made.
Perception IS reality. Everyone seeing from their own point of view and yet, reflecting ourselves back to us.
Interesting image.
I hope you're doing well hon. I think about you every clear evening as the sun goes down and Old Man Moon pops up in the sky.
Great big hugs from here to there.
Thank you Aggie. Love to you my dear.
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