Wednesday, March 23, 2005

This was a picture of Mario on Saturday, the picture of health. Two days later he was deathly ill and we thought we were going to lose him. He is still at the Vets today and seems to be making progress. We still don't know what happened, maybe Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, but we came very close to losing him Monday.

Mario is not an old dog so this was quite a shock to us (many of you know we have five Yorkies and Mario is the Dad of the bunch and the original one). Since Monday, I've been much more reflective on all the things I take for granted in my life. Our minds have a tendency to focus on issues and problems to solve because that is the nature of our minds--they just want something to do. Often this focus on problems takes us out of perpective and how many things we have in our life that are good. Attitude of gratitude, easier said than done. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

My, I wish I had started at the beginning long ago.

I like the way you think ...

Trée said...

Oh Nerdy, you already own a piece of my heart. :-)