Friday, April 15, 2005

Lookie, Lookie, what do we have here...

The PO'd mom, wondering what I'm doing to her babies. She doesn't seem to appreciate my photo documentation of her child rearing. Posted by Hello

Mmmm, could this be breakfast? Just kidding Em, these are cardinal eggs in the tree just outside my back door. Posted by Hello

Foot first. Posted by Hello

The dawn of a new life. Already taking advantage of the siblings. Posted by Hello

A little wildlife in my backyard. Those of you who know my "animal" issues from past years won't be surprised I've got more critters. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The World Famous Time Movie

If you've never seen the Time Movie go here:

I've seen it a dozen times and it never fails to move me. Enjoy.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Mario looking much better!

Mario on the mend. Thanks to all those you have asked about Mario. He is 95% recovered and its so nice to see him doing the things he used to do. This picture was taken just a couple days ago in our backyard. Thanks again to all those you have been thoughtful enough to ask--your thoughts have been appreciated. Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005

Nate Joins! Need 8 more teammates.

Nate joins the team! Welcome to the best team you'll ever be a part of. Great talking with you today brother. Posted by Hello